Cannabis has a long history in India. Its oldest origin is not known in the world but what is certain is that around 3,000 BC, cannabis was consumed by people in some form. In India, evidence from 1,000 BC onward supports its use by people here. It has been used in India and elsewhere for medicinal and recreational purposes. Its association with Lord Shiva is part of Indian folklore.
Regulation of cannabis or its bhang form began with the British becoming a colonial power in India. The British Parliament enacted a law to tax bhang, ganja, and charas on the pretext of the “good health and sanity” of the “natives”. But the British did not criminalize its use.
The criminalization of cannabis in various forms happened after the 1961 convention of the UNCND that placed the plant and its derivatives on Schedule IV. India had opposed the move against cannabis citing its social and religious link to the consumption of cannabis. But later on, when the 1961 convention appeared in India’s NDPS Act, cannabis became highly regulated. India, however, kept bhang out of its purview.
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